Recent Employment Experiences
Special Education Teacher
September 2015-Present
-Provide instruction and supports for students with emotional impairments
-Responsible for support and instruction of all subjects
-Construction of Priority One Program guidelines and policies
-Direct contact and involvement with transition services (MRS)
-Assist students with improvement of life and employability skills
-Composition of Individualized Education Plans
-Assist with Manifestation Determination, Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), and Functional Behavioral Analysis (FBA)
-Implementation of technology into program, integrating Google Drive and Google Classroom
-Member of Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS) Committee
Lake Fenton Community Schools
Teacher Consultant
Saline Area Schools
June 2001-June 2015
-Supported students of various disabilities in both the general and special education settings
-High School Liaison to District Transition Coordinator
(Preparing students for life after high school)
-Co-taught HS Earth Science and Mathematics
-Academic Support of all subjects;
middle through high school levels
-Composition of IEP, Functional Behavior Analysis (FBA),
and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP), as well as
Manifestation Determinations
-Assessment administration, i.e., NWEA,
MEAP, PLAN, ACT, Jerry Johns Basic
-Reading Inventory, and Woodcock-Johnson III
-Collaborated with teaching staff in support of students,
to foster academic success, through differentiated
instruction, using accommodated and/or modified curriculum
-Collaborated with parents and students to strengthen
understanding of student needs
Education, Experience, and Skills
6 Years- Self-contained EI
Eastern Michigan University
BS Emotional Impairments

Experience with:
- Windows
- Mac OS
- iOS
- Android

Proficient in use of:
- Microsoft Office
- Google Drive
- Google Docs
- iWork
- Outlook
- Gmail
2 years- Resource Room Math
Marygrove College
MA Teaching
Michigan State University
MA Educational Technology

Multimedia Experiences:
- Screencast-O-Matic
- Jing
- Garageband
- Soundcloud
- YouTube
14 years- Teacher Consultant