Below you will find links to projects I've created over the course of my time in the Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program at Michigan State University (MSU). I got my first glimpse of the program in 2010 when I started the certificate program. While I enjoyed the program, the technology was much more limited than it is today. In 2015, I came to get a better look and I was hooked!
As a special education teacher, my role has been rather diverse over time, but my challenges have often been similar, as many of the projects I've constructed, in the program, were not done in the mindset of a general education teacher with a background in a specific subject area, but as someone dealing only with students who needed support via accommodations. It was because of this that I often felt I was spending more time working outside of the box, than thinking out of it. While I may echo these thoughts in some of my reflections, it is my hope that the work I display here demonstrates, not only my progression through the program, but also some unique ideas which show how much I enjoy the opportunity to engage in discussions around providing students with new learning perspectives and opportunities to recognize their own abilities as learners.
Below, I've tried to display the items to show my work over time and as a progression, from my first experience (First Glimpse), with the certificate program to my return to the MAET program (Second Take), where I truly noticed an impact in my mindset. In the final section, it is my hope that I am displaying a sense of understanding and application as a professional, both as a teacher and otherwise.
(Note: There are links in both the images and buttons.)
A First Glimpse
Tech Quest
Study Skills
While the service (yodio.com) I initially used to create this page is no longer operational, I enjoyed the opportunity to create an exploratory experience for my students, allowing them to learn more about something I was spending a great deal of time supporting them with (Study Skills). While it took some time for the Special Ed. department as a whole to work on these skills cumulatively, it did eventually happen! The audio no longer plays, but it mirrored the text.
Distributive Property
Visual Description
While the technology used in creating this presentation is now a bit antiquated, it was fun to create this initial project, in which I was trying to give my students a visual tool to independently access the process of the distributive property in mathematics. At the time I created this project, I utilized Google Slides and a website called SlideBoom, which allowed me to "animate" my slides. You must click the "forward" and "back arrows, to progress through the slides.
The Writing Process
A Podcast
As I have progressed through the program, I have encountered various obstacles related to both technology and curriculum. In the following project, I was tasked with interviewing a student about the writing process, while also making a podcast. While I do support students in writing, I do not have a background in Language Arts, so the project presented challenges there, as well as in learning how to use Garage Band on short notice!
A Second Take
Leadership Styles
An Overview
The following demonstration was an effort on my part to provide an overview of different leadership styles, while improving my skills at using Apple's Keynote and GarageBand together, in order to create a presentation. It was my hope to provide smooth transitions while giving a quality overview of the material. I found this course to be fascinating.
The Special Educator
A Personal Reflection
As we go through the program and create projects, it becomes difficult to pick those of which either impacted your learning most or helped you reflect on how far you've come in your journey as a learner/educator. The Manifesto was one such project. It allowed me to look back on my career to this point and gave me the opportunity to share my knowledge and experiences.
Minecraft and Math
A Walkthrough
As has been the challenge throughout much of the program, I am not concentrated in one curriculum. Choosing a topic over the summer while not having access to curricular materials was difficult, but I focused on what I spend a lot of time with my students on, basics, and came up with some basic geometry tasks and made a video to break things down.
A Final Look
Problem of Practice
Multi-Tiered Support System (MTSS)
Given the task of identifying a problem of practice, I had to reflect for some time to determine an area I felt qualified to affect within my building and or district. I decided that the MTSS proposed by the state wasn't doing enough. It was making an effort to support students, but not teachers who needed support. The following is my idea prior to revisions with my colleagues.